Welcome to Caught Red Bottomed! Coldplay Met Gala 2014 Red Carpet L.E.D. (Elley Duhe)

Fab Five: Winter Edition - Part 3

Fab Five: Winter Edition - Part 3

Welcome back beauties! Part 3 of the Fab Five today is all about that wonderful thing you put on your head - no not a helmet, a hat!

3. The Cat In The Hipster Hat

To be honest I have never been a hat person. I just thought I didn’t look good in them so I never bothered. Then my sister (of course she inspired this too) came home one day wearing this, well I really don’t know how to explain it. It was like this slouchy, hipster looking hat (or I guess beanie I don't really know how to explain it). It looked good on her but of course when I tried it, it well wouldn’t fit because my head is so big. So I asked her to buy me something similar if she ever saw it and I’m glad my sister is forgetful because if she bought me that hat I never would've bought this angel. Now this, THIS is my best friend. I found it the same day I bought my boots at the same store my sister found her hat, Aldo. It’s a beret looking thing so I thought it wouldn’t look good on me but I tried it on and loved it. It’s AMAZING. It keeps my head warm yet it’s stylish at the same time. Now with hats, I don’t really know if it’s possible to have an expensive hat but I guess this would be it. Mine was about $15 which I do think is a little pricey but it was worth it. The reason why it is my best friend is because of three simple words: bad hair days. My hair is so ridiculous. It get’s super greasy at my roots within days of a shower but the middle to ends look flawless, which sucks. But with this hat, oh this beautiful hat, I don’t care what my hair looks like at the roots, I just throw on this hat and my hair at the bottom looks amazing. Nothing more to be said. 

Now I couldn't find the exact hats online (you have failed me internet) but I was able to find dupes in a sense for a lot cheaper!

Aldo Winter Hat
This is essentially what mine looks like just in more of a dark grey
and minus the band at the bottom.

Aldo Winter Hat
And this is what my sister's looks like, but hers is beige and for some reason has grey and white stripes on the inside which led me to believe it could be worn inside out (it can't).
Any who, a little tip before buying hats, TRY THEM ON! You can always wash it or your hair later if you feel uncomfortable but seriously, if I didn't try my sister's on and realize how ugly hipster beanies look on me, I would've bought one and been walking around looking like a fool. 

I feel this is just a rule with any clothes or shoes you buy - try it on. Just cause something looks good on one person doesn't mean it'll suit you (a lesson I learned the hard way). And besides, who has time to go all the way back to a mall to return a hat. 

Alright beauties enough blabbering! If you're interested in purchasing any of my Fab Five items head over to my Luvocracy page to check them out! 

Thanks again for tuning in and I'll catch you beauties tomorrow! 

 Don't forget to check our previous post: Do It For The Subscription

Stay stylish and stay fabulous! xoxo


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