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Fab Five: Winter Edition - Part 1

Fab Five: Winter Edition - Part 1
Fab Five: Winter Edition Part 1

Hello beauties and welcome to Caught Red Bottomed! 

Of course this being my first post, I had NO idea what to write about. I had so many ideas but it didn't seem right as my first one. Then it came to me. I was thinking about wardrobe staples etc. and thought about how people are reluctant to spend a lot of money on certain items. Like of course, I totally don’t get people who buy a thin, see through piece of fabric from Aritzia (it's like the equivalence of Barney's in the US only smaller) for $70 - that’s just ridiculous. So I was thinking what about the stuff people SHOULD be spending a little bit more money on? I don’t mean thousands of dollars but what necessary wardrobe staples should people be spending a little more money on. I see people who spend $100 on a pair of jeans, but at the same time have the thinnest, cheapest, about to rip in two more wears jacket for the winter. And I’ll admit, for as long as I can remember I’d buy any random suede jacket (I don’t know why I was so into suede jackets it was a weird phase) with four buttons that I’d have to resew every week cause they'd fall off. Typically the inside was lined with a shiny silk like material, but it obviously was not real silk cause I’d get it at this discounted outlet store my sister and I used to love shopping at on a whole street full of discounted stores called Orfus Road. Oh, and at most I’d pay $15 for the damn thing. Every year, I’d buy the same type of jacket that was never warm and would justify it buy wearing a bulky sweater or something underneath. So dumb. This was the same for about almost every clothing item I had ever bought up until my second year of high school. To be honest I think my years of not wanting to buy quality stuff was because I didn’t have a job and I felt guilty asking my parents to buy me something expensive ($40 is expensive to me). So most of these changes in my sense of fashion happened around the second year of high school when I finally got a job and was making my own money.

So in essence, I thought I’d write about the top five wardrobe staples a girl should be willing to spend on that are worth it, that’s of good quality and has the ability to stay in your wardrobe for years. I’ll be showing two options, a more pricy version and a reasonably priced version of all items. 

And incase you're wondering where's the rest of the list, this is part one in a five part series that I will be posting this week so stay tuned and lets get down to it. 

*pretty much 95% of these items are actually in my closet which is what inspired this post


East coast weather is a nightmare during winter. Scratch that. ANY CANADIAN WEATHER IS A NIGHTMARE. I live in Toronto and the winters here really get insane (if you’ve been living under a rock the last couple of months please Google Toronto ice storm 2013). So a warm jacket is a no  brainer. And ladies, you CAN look stylish and be warm at the same time!

This first option is for, I guess just typical winters. Well here a typical winter is -10 (I know it’s just, I know). I found this jacket at H&M randomly when I was shopping with my sister I want to say in about September(?). Of course I picked it up cause I thought it was freaking gorgeous (plus I also at the time and currently have an obsession with anything leather sleeved) but I wasn’t gonna buy it if it wasn’t worth it. I tried it on, it fell a little above my knees, good quality, and it was WARM. I thought ok, I never EVER have bought myself a good quality jacket so I thought why not - guys, seriously, this is my best friend (actually second best friend you'll see why soon). I was afraid of this coat a little in the beginning cause I thought I couldn’t wear it with certain shoes but it’s perfectly fine. I’ve worn everything from sweats to jeans in this jacket. It’s stylish yet warm, it’s just awesome (at the moment it is hanging off of a coat rack in my room and I keep looking over at it cause I love it so much). Personally I think it was worth the price because I found it in my size (which is rare cause I’m not your typical size, I’ll say it - I’m a 14), it’s warm, it’s good quality, it’s stylish and I’ll for sure be wearing it for years to come. I got it for about $70 at the time which I thought was worth it cause I’m not the type who buys a jacket every year, I just can’t justify doing that. 

H&M Winter Jacket

This second one is for the hardcore, almost apocalyptic winters. I was actually first introduced to this jacket by my sister. She had bought it about three years ago claiming it was so warm and awesome and I agreed - until she said she bought it for $200 to which I laughed hysterically in disbelief and stuck to shivering in my $15 suede coat. The next winter she decided to be a nice big sister (she’s five years older) and took me to buy one for my birthday (yep, when your birthday is in winter, you get coats as presents). I was still a little reluctant but then I looked at my thin suede jacket that had a hole in the pocket which a bunch of loose change fell through the lining and was trapped in the middle of my jacket and I gave up and went with her to the store. I tried on all the jackets and though I did want an khaki green coloured one (this was 2 years ago obviously I have an addiction to khaki green) I got the classic black. Now granted I don't wear this everyday because it is pretty thick, and to be honest I don't like feeling too warm in a jacket cause I know when I go indoors I'll be sweating like a pig. My sister however does wear it more but I think it’s easier for her to wear cause she’s 5 feet and as tiny as tinker bell.  But this jacket is truly amazing for some of our nasty winters. It’s knee length, super DUPER warm, literally has about a million pockets inside and out and even the hood is lined in faux fur. Of course the furry rim on the hood is detachable (thank god) which is great for people like me who don't like that look. Overall it’s an amazing jacket and good investment if you have crazy heavy winters like us. I've had mine for 2 years and my sister’s had hers for 3 and we will for sure be wearing these for many more winters to come.

Aritzia Winter Jacket

Thanks for reading beauties and if you're interested in any of the items mentioned, head over to my Luvocracy page to purchase them! Tune in tomorrow for some more posts!

Don't forget to check out our previous post: Come One Come All

Stay stylish and stay fabulous! xoxo


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