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Monkeying Around

Arctic Monkeys

Welcome back beauties to another music Friday! Today is all about the second band that I fell in love with after I had my indie rock epiphany - the Arctic Monkeys (the first being The Strokes of course). Again, if you read my previous posts, my change in music came a few years ago and the Arctic Monkeys were just one of many new bands I discovered when exploring the world of indie rock music. 

The Arctic Monkeys are a band of 4 hailing from Sheffield, England (surprise surprise - almost 90% of my music comes from British artists - sue me). They started out in 2002 and are said to be one of the most prominent bands of the post punk revival movement in the UK. Five albums later, they've gained success growing large fan bases all across the world and their music is now being used in shows. One of the most unique things about this band is that although they fall under the umbrella of rock music, on each album, they change their genre of rock showing just how versatile they can be. Plus the drummer, Matt Helders (given the nickname Agile Beast), is one the best drummers ever (I saw a video once where he was playing so vigorously that one of his drumsticks actually flew out of his hand and he was so good that he was able to pick up his spare drum stick in literally a second while continuing to play with the other hand and didn't miss a beat - he's freaking awesome). Also their first album, Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not,  has also appeared on numerous best debut albums lists. They are currently on tour promoting their latest album AM. 

My boys - then and now.
Now these guys really were my everything in high school. The lead singer, Alex Turner, writes all their music, and as I've mentioned before, I appreciate music even more when the lyrics are well written - and god their songs have some of the best lyrics I've ever heard (even Oasis' own Noel Gallagher complemented them on their lyrics). There's just something so honest about Alex's voice (and his accent) and the lyrics that gives all their songs this unexplainable vibe (I've honestly noticed that Brits make some of the most honest music around). I remember when I was in high school their songs would be on repeat whenever I'd walk through the halls or sit in class. The energy of their songs was just exactly me at that time (I'm even listening to them as I write this and it's taking me back to those moments in high school - crazy how a simple song can do that to ya). I even remember four years ago I went on a trip to New York City and the whole bus ride there I just had their albums on repeat (in case you're wondering that's almost 10 hours both ways - yeah, that's how entranced I was by their music). Months later, they also ended up being my first concert, and although it was in a sketchy club downtown and I was only 16, I managed to squeeze into the second row and it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had - plus they kick ass live (another must on my checklist for amazing artists/bands). 

The actual photo I took at their concert back in 2011.
Now I'm usually the type of person that likes one or two songs from random artists but never all their stuff - but with the Arctic Monkeys I literally love every song from every album so it was hard just deciding on a few to show in this post but these just have to be my absolute favourites - I promise you won't be disappointed. 

When The Sun Goes Down
One of the first songs I ever heard from them and it changed my life - the lyrics and vibe of the song remind me of Roxanne by The Police

A Certain Romance
This song in particular was on repeat on my bus ride back from NYC cause I had met a guy while there and blah blah blah (oh what it felt like to be a teenager with a crush)

Only Ones Who Know
My last day of high school I remember just sitting on the front steps outside and listening to this song - it some how just captured the moment

Old Yellow Bricks
Now this song in particular I would ALWAYS play when walking through the halls in high school - I have no idea why

This song is just so awesome - plus so is the video (and if you actually listen to the lyrics, everyone's had a 'Brian' in their life at some point - damn you 'Brian')

Crying Lightening 
Sounds so obvious but I think of this song every time it rains

She's Thunderstorms 
This I listen to when I'm just feeling down or in a bad mood

The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala
Have you heard of a better named song ever? - I thought so (this also has one of my favourite lyrics ever "I took the batteries out my mysticism and put 'em in my thinking cap")

Do I Wanna Know 
One of my all time favourite songs of theirs

R U Mine
I'm sorry but Alex and Matt just looks so damn badass in this video - 
I would love to be theirs all day every day

See, I told you I'd have a hard time choosing just a few songs.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this week's music Friday! 

Have you heard of the Arctic Monkeys before? What's your favourite song? Let me know in the comments below!

Don't forget to check our previous post: Spring Beauty Trends - Part 2

Until next time, stay musical and stay fabulous! xoxo


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