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The Fray

The Fray

Welcome back to Caught Red Bottomed and another music Friday! Today I introduce you to another all time favourite band of mine, The Fray.

The Fray is an American Rock band fronted by vocalist and pianist Isaac Slade, with guitarists Joe King and Dave Welsh and drummer Ben Wysocki. They started off in Denver and came together in 2002. After releasing a couple of records which gained them only local success. They then released a demo of their song Over My Head (Cable Car) which gained some buzz on a radio station and ended up to their discovery by Epic Records and being signed to the label in 2004. In 2005 they released their debut album How To Save A Life and soon gained major success with the record being a hit and gaining popularity through the use of songs in TV shows. They have released a total of 4 albums, gained many Grammy nominations and won multiple other awards including Billboard awards and have gained a massive fan base over the years. They are currently on their Helios tour promoting their 4th album, Helios.

Now, I discovered this band through the one and only American Idol (back when it was a lot more interesting to watch). I had become obsessed with one contestant in particular, Matt Giraud, during the 8th season which aired in 2009. I remember his voice just being so amazing and his song choices were so unique (I actually discovered another band, Coldplay, from one of his performances - but that's a story for another day). He was also something called a duelling piano player (so sexy right) and I remember watching the way he played the piano and the passion and the talent behind it which is actually what interested and inspired me to start playing the piano. So one of his performances, he sang the song You Found Me by The Fray. I had never heard this song and I loved it immediately and the way he performed it on the piano (You Found Me was one of the first songs I taught myself to play on the piano). Immediately after I remember searching for the original and was just in awe. Listening to Issac's voice was such a change to the music I originally listened to (I was into whatever was popular at that time because of peer pressure). But most of all I fell in love with the lyrics. It was one of the first times I had heard a song with such emotionally deep and creative lyrics. And especially at that time in my life, I felt I was able to connect with the words and the meaning. Oh man after that I spent months, MONTHS, listening to that one song. I even remember that summer my family took a trip to Niagara Falls and I brought along my Mp3 player and just insisted on listening to it as we looked out at the falls. And in the night, in that moment, in that place, that one song seemed to encompass everything I was feeling, "lost and insecure". That same trip I introduced the song to my cousin after which she became obsessed too which made me feel so good (don't you feel a sense of pride or happiness when you introduced someone to music you're so in love with and they end up loving it too? I don't know maybe it's just me). I even used the song in a media presentation video I had to make for a project on Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye and was actually complimented for my use of the song to explain Holden (for anyone who's read the book and heard the song, don't they go hand in hand?). They were also the first CD I bought in my ever growing collection.

I can say that The Fray is truly the first band that changed my way of thinking when it came to music and opened me up to the more rock side of music if you will. The quality of lyrics in all their songs (which are written by Slade and King) also is what turned me towards writing and striving to create more incredible pieces of writing whether it was in school or on my own. Also Isaac's voice is just so unique, strong and real. He was the first artist who I heard that actually felt emotion behind the words he was singing and that truly amazed me. Oh and of course besides having amazing music and amazing lyrics, they sound just as amazing live. I actually remember that same year or maybe the year after they sang at an event, I really don't remember where, but I remember it looking like a lounge and it was televised and I just sat in front of my TV so honoured to watch them preform live and promising myself that I would one day witness that too. They introduced me to truly emotion filled and honest music.

You Found Me
The song that started it all (for me)

Over My Head (Cable Car)
The song that started it all (for them)

How To Save A Life
One of my favourite songs to play on the piano


Never Say Never
The original Never Say Never (cough cough)

We Build Then We Break



Run For Your Life

Love Don't Die

Have you listened of The Fray before? What's your favourite band? Let me know in the comments below!

Don't forget to check our previous post: April Ipsy Glam Bag “Unbagging”

Until next time, stay musical and stay fabulous! xoxo


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