Welcome to Caught Red Bottomed! Coldplay Met Gala 2014 Red Carpet L.E.D. (Elley Duhe)

L.E.D. (Elley Duhe)

L.E.D. (Elley Duhe)

Welcome back to CRB and another music Friday! I’m really excited about today’s post because I get to introduce you all to a fantastic up and coming artist by the name of L.E.D. or Elley Duhe.

Now the way I discovered this artist is very unusual, the first song I heard of hers was through a pop up - yes a pop up on my computer. Now typically I see and get irritated by many of these pop-ups that ask you to ‘like’ a person’s song for some contest and typically I close the window before the song even starts. For Elley however, the song happened to start playing before I had a chance to close the window and I’m so happy I didn’t. I remember just hearing her voice immediately and was floored by how amazing it was. I sat there and watched the whole video of her song, even voted for her for the contest and continued to find everything I could about her. Her voice is really the best thing I’ve ever heard. I really can’t place who she sounds like, maybe Adele, but I think that’s what’s so great about Elley - her voice and her artistry are unique like her. Her voice is so organic and raw and every song she sings just sounds so effortless. As you know, a true artist to me has to have an amazing and unique voice, write their own music, be amazing live and just produce overall good music and she encompasses all of those things! She is a natural born singer and artist and I just know she’s going to go far.

Now since she’s pretty much a self made singer/songwriter and isn’t signed to a major label theres not much info about her that I could find. The most I know is that she’s from Alabama, living in Texas and is apart of a production company called Evenbreak Productions. But through her social media I can tell that she is a very fun loving, humble and hard working artist. She brings a new meaning to artistry and is definitely moving up the music game. She even posted on her Facebook page that her and a couple of her other closest artist friends were called in to write a song for the Rihanna! Talk about moving on up! Plus, she is like out of this world beautiful and a fantastic artist. I can’t wait to see the big things coming her way in the future!

Here are some of her originals, including some videos of her singing live (yes her voice is really that amazing live!)

Mirror Mirror
<the song that played in the pop-up and I'm thankful that it did>

Fall Down
<how beautiful is her voice?>

Little Things 

Where Did You Go

And here are a few covers to prove she's just an overall amazing singer and can even make other artist's songs sound better than the originals!


We Found Love

Don’t forget to share L.E.D.’s music because as you know, it’s the small artists that have the big talent and they can use all the appreciation they can get! Elley truly is a great artist and I’d love to see her music spread as far as it can.

Which was your favourite song from L.E.D.? Who are some of your favourite undiscovered artists? Let me know in the comments below!

Don't forget to check out the previous post: April Favourites

Until next time, stay musical and stay fabulous! xoxo


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